Év: 1918
Játékidő: 10 mins
Leírás: I. Medium shot, closing on the starboard quarter of an Italian 19 ton, Type 'B' MAS underway at speed, and a passing shot of MAS flotilla steaming in line, the camera vessel proceeding on an opposite course. RN Aquila crosses the screen right to left. Medium long shot of Italian battleships in line ahead - the nearest ship is Caio Duilio. Sequence showing RN Giulio Cesare at a practice shoot (cf IWM 1152).II. Aerial views of a convoy escorted by an Astre-Torres type C airship.III. Medium close-up of three drifters moored together - Cluny Hill, Orion, and another.IV. Medium shot of two Insect Class gunboats at their moorings.V. Medium shot off the port beam of a drifter as it passes anchored transport (?).VI. Medium shot of an Arkansas Class battleship, and pan over anchorage of the Fourth Battle Squadron from the quarter deck of a US ship.VII. Medium shot of HMS Renown underway - Thornycroft V/W Class destroyer in the background.VIII. Long shot of Orions and St Vincent/Bellerophon Class battleships in line ahead - possibly the 1914 Spithead Review.IX. As sequence IV. Medium close-up of gunboat's crew washing in canvas baths rigged on the quarter deck.X. Marine (RMA) fires a Lewis gun mounted on ship's guard rail - Fusilier wearing Archangel star in the foreground. Officers observe the effects of the fire from the upper decks.XI. Torpedo victims (?). Men disembark to be received by RSM. Motor ambulance passes by.XII. Two Kaiser Class battleships pass right to left. Close-up as launch approaches UB.142 Class submarine - a German sailor catches boat's painter. Medium long shot of U.43 and UE.I Class submarines (cf IWM 1154).XIII. As sequence VII. Renown underway. Thornycroft V/W Class destroyer, HMS Woolston (?), passes the battle cruiser - HMS Lion in the background at frame left.XIV. Medium shot as admirals walk from the quarter deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth - Rodman, Phillimore, Japanese delegation.XV. As sequence XII. Launch is secured alongside UB.142 Class U-boat.XVI. Motor Launch poled off the side of cameraship - Caledon Class cruiser in the background. High-angle medium shot to forepart of a group of MLs secured alongside.XVII. Medium shot off the port bow of a Koenig Class battleship.XVIII. Flotilla of German destroyers underway at speed.XIX. Hydrophone operator at work - having obtained a fix he communicates with the bridge.XX. Medium shot on the port quarter of HMS Renown underway - A and B turrets are trained over the starboard beam.
Collection of miscellaneous naval scenes from the First World War.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / Rodman, H / Phillimore, Richard F / Royal Navy, Battle Sqdn 4 / Royal Navy, Renown / Royal Navy, Lion / Royal Navy, Queen Elizabeth / Italian Royal Navy, Aquila / Italian Royal Navy, Caio Duilio / Italian Royal Navy, Giulio Cesare / ships, British naval - battleship: Renown / ships, British naval - battleship: Lion & [-] / ships, British naval - battleship: Orion Class & [-] / ships, British naval - battleship: Bellerophon Class & [-] / ships, British naval - battleship: St Vincent Class & [-] / ships, British naval - battleship: Colossus Class & [-] / ships, British naval - cruiser: Caledon Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: Thornycroft V/W Class / ships, British naval - light forces: motor launch / ships, British naval - light forces: Insect Class / ships, United States naval - battleship: Arkansas Class / ships, German naval - battleship: Kaiser Class & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - battleship: Koenig Class & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - submarine: UB142 Class & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - submarine: U43 Class & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - submarine: UEI Class & [surrendered] / ships, Italian naval - battleship: Caio Duilio / ships, Italian naval - battleship: Giulio Cesare / ships, Italian naval - destroyer: Aquila / ships, Italian naval - light forces: MAS boat, 19 ton Type B / ships, British civilian - fishing: Cluny Hill / ships, British civilian - fishing: Orion / aircraft, British naval - airship: C Type / weapons, British naval - smallarm: Lewis machine gun / equipment, British naval - surveillance: hydrophone / society, British naval - hygiene: bathing on deck / training, Italian naval - weapons: gunnery / operations, British maritime - routine: convoy / 12/3(26) / First World War, Armistice & German Navy, Internment of & 21/11/1918
Szolgáltató: Imperial War Museums
Jogok: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Gyártó: Engholm, F W
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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